Monday, May 12, 2014

It is LIVE!!!

The Wedding Contract (The Ferro Family)The Wedding Contract by H.M. Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What the Ferro Fuckery? Ha! I love Skylar!!

I received this from the Author for an honest review.

Let me start this off by saying that I am so biased because I have read every Ferro book, serial or series and I am in LOVE with all the Ferro men. I am so addicted that I have started to refer to them as my Ferroine. When a couple weeks go by and I haven't had my Ferro Fix I tend to go through withdrawals ;)

Alright on with it. I love this Ferro novel because it is a little a lot different from the others. It isn't as dark as the others and there isn't a whole lot of Ferro sex. I mean come on these Ferro/Granz men are known for the large sexual appetites ;). Don't get me wrong there is plenty of sexual tension to get anyone hot and bothered. Nick and his leading lady Skylar did not disappoint as two leads in a Ferro Novel.

Skylar is such funny character. This girls seemed to have THE worst bad luck. It is funny bad luck, but bad luck all the same. Of course she had a lot of help in finding herself in those situations because Nick Ferro was definitely out to get her. I love all of the hilarious shit that came out of Sky's mouth or just when she was ranting in her head.

Okay okay Nick Ferro...*swoon* he has got to be one of the sweetest Ferro men (you know when he isn't out to crush some competition into the ground). He is probably as vanilla as the Ferro men get (sex wise) but it is still just as sexy. I love how we see his character start to regret the things he is doing. I love those moments when both he and Sky are alone and the sexual tension is just so thick. I definitely love that Nick Ferro stood up for himself to mighty Ferro parental units.

Ferro Addict for LIFE!!!

Also, the forward that H.M. Ward's husband Mike wrote was pretty fan-freaking-tastic!!

View all my reviews

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